Details + Purpose
McDonald Modular Solutions partnered with Whitley Manufacturing to provide additional space as part of the University of Michigan’s Building upgrades. The Ross School of Business PhD candidates and entire Business Administrative Staff needed to be relocated for a 3 year term while the existing was completely remodeled. The solution was to create a spacious and comfortable space that was aesthetically pleasing and could fit on a rare empty corner lot, directly across the street from the Business School. The complex is comprised of (22) 14’ x 50 modules to to take full advantage of the lot available. Clear span beams make rest a top columns that are strategically placed to essentially be lost in the cubicles. Horizontal fiber cement siding was chosen by the University for the building exterior as an important element belnding with adjoining structures.
Efficiency + Details
The Academic and Administrative building is accessible twenty-four hours a day. The building has entry points in a distributed controlled scheme. The lighting control system utilizes an advanced high performance relay module which perform at levels previously unavailable in the lighting control market. Flexible programming capacity, Daylight Harvesting, and unmatched power control create an energy management system with unparalleled performance.