Whitley worked with Skylines Athletics Facilities to create a press box for Cardinal Ritter Prep School in St.Louis, Missouri. The modular built press box is comprised of one module and features an interior office, lookout stand, and media desks. This press box was completed to 100% with all electrical and furnishings pre-installed allowing for a quick and easy site install of the building.
Building a press box for Cardinal Ritter demanded a tight timeline and ensuring that as much could be done within the module(electrical, furnishings, etc.) to ensure a quick and easy set of the press box to allow it to be utilized for various sporting events at the school within a timely manner.
THE SOLUTION Between Whitley's over 75+ years of experience and Skylines Athletic Facilities design and set experience both partners were able to deliver a press box that was 100% completed off-site and easily set into place and tied into the site utilities.
With plenty of space for media coverage within the unit and above the unit on its sky-deckCardinal Ritter now has a press box to be proud of and one that meets the needs of the school for years to come.